Paul and the Cactus - A Reunion in the Desert

Paul and the Cactus
A reunion in the desert
By Carl Cupper
Publication date: November 2018

After closing an important business in Las Vegas, Nevada, Paul flies to return to his property in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During his travel, his plane accuses inexplicable faults that force him to fall into the inhospitable desert of Colorado. Trying to leave his horrible condition, Paul initiates a personal exodus toward the borders of his past, present, and future.
After many hours of digressing in the desert with no fixed course, he meets with a cactus, a cereus gigantus that speaks to him beginning with a demand "Why do you persecute me?" Thinking that the voice comes from his incipient deliriums because of the cruel thirst and the hunger, Paul maintains an estranged conversation with the plant, that takes him to face himself and his own acts.
Paul and the Cactus is a deeply stirring and intense story that will take you through the world to which all we fear to show us: is our own interior. It is a hopeful message that will lead you, without a doubt, to produce significant changes in your own life.

“To believe that things cannot change is the first step in 
perpetuate them” 

Age level: 18 years and more

                                                Available in Kindle (eBook) and Paperback
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