The Secret of the Dragon

The Revelation of the Sacred Papyruses
By Carl Cupper
Publication date: July 2005

   Califax is selected by the Court of Dragonia to venture into the land of the treacherous humans on a mission to find the Chalice of Life. As Dragonia teeters on the brink of destruction, young Califax and his newfound friend, Hayex, race against time to decipher the mystical clues uttered by an elusive Magician. 
  Their search leads them through dangerous, hidden earthen tunnels, lined with the bones of those who had gone before them. The tunnels hold secrets never revealed to man. Califax is appalled at the treachery of mankind as he travels through the kingdom of men. Should he fail to find the Chalice and deliver it safely to the one human man described in the Sacred Papyruses, the wrath of the god Helion will destroy the Region of Fire: his parents, his friends, and his home. 
  Will he be able to find the one mysterious man destined to receive the Chalice to activate its power? Will he be able to decipher the riddle of the Sacred Papyruses to save his friend? Was his mentor totally truthful about all the riddles contained in the Sacred Papyruses? Will he be able to accept the horrible truth that the Sacred Papyruses reveal? Only if he completes his mission in time to save Dragonia, he will know the truth of the secret of the Sacred Papyruses.

Age level: 12-18 and more.

Available in Kindle (eBook) and Paperback

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